We are thilled to announce the first training EVENT of GlaCerHub Training Programme.
EVENT 3 will cover the topic Additive/subtractive manufacturing of glass and ceramics and will offer interesting lectures of renowned scientists from academia and industry.
We are happy to host this event and also welcome our lectors:
- Assoc. Prof. RNDr. Irena Koutná, Ph.D., Head of the research group Cell and Tissue Engineering, MUNI;
- Dawid Kozień dr. inž., Faculty of Materials Science and Ceramics, AGH University of Kraków;
- Dr. Martin Schwentenwein, Chief Scientific Officer at Lithoz GmbH;
- Ing. Milan Matějka, PhD., CEO of IQS nano s.r.o;
- Ing. Martin Michálek, PhD., Head of Department of Biomaterials, FunGlass;
- RNDr. Zuzana Neščáková, PhD., Department of Biomaterials, FunGlass;
- Ing. Jozef Kraxner, PhD., Head of Department of GlassProcessing, FunGlass;
- Ing. Diana Lago, PhD., Department of Glass Processing, FunGlass;
- Ing. Mokhtar Mahmoud, PhD., Department of GlassProcessing, FunGlass
- Prof. Martin Trunec, PhD., Head of Advanced CeramicMaterials Research Group, CEITEC-BUT;
- Edgar Montufar, PhD., HPMC4I-RG, CEITEC-BUT;
- Ing. Přemysl Šťastný, PhD., CEITEC-BUT
This three-day event will be divided into 4 modules, each with different specialisation:
- Module 1 – Biological properties of additively manufactured ceramics and glasses;
- Module 2 – Extrusion-based additive manufacturing;
- Module 3 – Vat photopolymerization additive manufacturing;
- Module 4 – Glass and ceramic processing;
Please use the below registration link and wait for confirmation from our administrators (the capacity is limited).
Soon, we will announce the remaining EVENTs of GlaCerHub Training Programme together with a complete calendar for this year.
Please stay tuned to our communication channels!