Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of Glass: Advancements in Science, Sustainability, and Innovation

Exploring the Past, Present, and Future of Glass: Advancements in Science, Sustainability, and Innovation

Thank You to the Lecturers We extend our gratitude to Assoc. Prof. Dana Rohanová and Prof. Paul A. Bingham for delivering insightful lectures and sharing their expertise during the webinar series hosted at FunGlass, Trenčín, Slovakia, and online. Your contributions have provided an invaluable perspective on the past, present, and future of glass materials.

Key Highlights from Assoc. Prof. Dana Rohanová’s Lecture Series (November 8 – December 12, 2024)

Assoc. Prof. Dana Rohanová

Prof. Rohanová, from the University of Chemistry and Technology (UCT) in Prague, presented four fascinating lectures emphasizing her research on bioactive glasses, ceramics, and archaeological glass. Key takeaways include:

  1. TRIS Buffer in In-Vitro Assays (Nov 8):
    • Explored the unexpected role of TRIS buffer in assays and its impact on bioactive glass and glass-ceramics implants.
    • Highlighted the implications for in-vitro testing accuracy and material functionality.
  2. Acellular Immersion Tests (Nov 20):
    • Discussed the effects of different media on ion release and apatite formation in highly reactive materials.
    • Demonstrated how medium composition significantly alters material behaviour.
  3. Titanium Substrates (Dec 5):
    • Investigated methods to enhance the inert properties of titanium, particularly for biomedical applications.
  4. The (Hi)story of Glass (Dec 12):
    • Delivered an engaging overview of the evolution of glass, blending historical insights with modern advancements.

Key Highlights from Prof. Paul A. Bingham’s Seminar Series (November 27 – November 29, 2024)

Professor Paul A. Bingham

Prof. Bingham, a renowned expert in glass science and materials engineering from Sheffield Hallam University, conducted three compelling seminars. The main points include:

  1. The Glass Age – From Antiquity to Ubiquity (Nov 27):
    • Traced the historical journey of glass, emphasizing its transformation into a ubiquitous modern material.
  2. Sustainable Glass Manufacture (Nov 28):
    • Discussed strategies to enhance energy efficiency, reduce emissions, and improve sustainability in glass production.
  3. New Glasses for Solar Energy (Nov 29):
    • Explored innovative glass materials for next-generation solar devices, underscoring their potential in renewable energy applications.

Context and Organization

These lectures were organized as part of dissemination activities under the Horizon Europe project GlaCerHub and the Horizon 2020 project FunGlass. The events provided participants with valuable insights into cutting-edge research in glass science and its applications in sustainability, energy, and technology.

We appreciate everyone who joined this journey of exploration into the fascinating world of glass!