Hardness testing seminar results

Hardness testing seminar results

Hardness testing seminar in Czechia and Slovakia on hardness measurement organized by Metalco Testing s.r.o., CEITEC BUT with the support of GlaCerHub project took place last week.

The largest seminar on hardness measurement in Czechia and Slovakia, organized by Metalco Testing s.r.o. and CEITEC BUT with the support of the GlaCerHub project, brought together over 100 participants from both industry and R&D.

The two-day event featured in-depth discussions on cutting-edge hardness measurement technologies. Experts from CEITEC BUT, QATM, Rtec Instruments, and Imprintec presented state-of-the-art solutions, including nano-indentation and strength measurement of indented materials.

Special thanks to Metalco Testing s.r.o., CEITEC BUT, and the HPMC4I research group for organizing this outstanding seminar.

We also appreciate the insightful presentations from our international speakers:

Our GlaCerHub Czech Local Chapter got five new members from industry and academia!

Thank you for your contributions to the future of materials testing!

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