Optical and electrical performance of translucent BaTiO-sub-3--sub--BaSnO-sub-3--sub- ceramics

Optical and electrical performance of translucent BaTiO-sub-3--sub--BaSnO-sub-3--sub- ceramics

New article in prestigious journal - Ceramics International.

Exciting news!

A new article

Optical and electrical performance of translucent BaTiO3-BaSnO3 ceramics

has been accepted by the editors of the prestigious journal Ceramics International (2022 - Q1 - 91.4 percentile).

Our joint team of scientists from CEITEC BUT and FunGlass Centre has successfully analysed and tested translucent lead-free piezoceramic material BT-11BS (0.89BaTiO3-0.11BaSnO3), obtained unique properties of this specific material and described its characteristics under different sintering temperatures.

Figure: Grain Size analyis at different sintering temperatures

We would like to acknowledge the support of the Czech Science Foundation (project No. 21-04805S). This work is also a part of the activities of the FunGlass and GlaCerHub projects that received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under grant agreement No. 739566 and Horizon Europe program under grant agreement No. 101087154, respectively. The publication was also supported by the project "Mechanical Engineering of Biological and Bio- inspired Systems", funded as project No. CZ.02.01.01/00/22_008/ 0004634 by Programme Johannes Amos Commenius, call Excellent Research. We acknowledge CzechNanoLab Research Infrastructure supported by MEYS CR (LM2023051) for allowing us SEM analysis.

Our article is 100 % Open Access under a standard CC BY 4.0 licence.

Article, preprint version of the manuscript and dataset are available at the journal repository and at trusted repository ZENODO.

Preprint is available at: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.11047195

Dataset at: https://zenodo.org/doi/10.5281/zenodo.10209806

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